Monday, January 14, 2008

America is on God's Anvil

If you haven't visited David J. Meyer's 'Last Trumpet Ministries' website and read his sermons for 2007 through January, 2008 - go there and read them. The awesome Fury and Anger of God is about to be unleashed on America. The Satanic enemies of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God and Messiah, have been allowed to seize control and they and their abominable values are now firmly embedded throughout every facet of American society - including the worldly system of 'Christianity'! Satan is the "Great Deceiver" and "the god of this world" and nowhere is that more evident than in America. You might well ask, 'Is there any hope for Americans?'

In the midst of the Great Tribulation (2006 - 2012), only the Overcomers within the Body of Christ will be Raptured - say, 144,000.

But, because of God's Amazing Grace,

"Those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved". ('saved' does not mean 'will survive the Great Tribulation')

"Remember your Creator
the silver cord is loosed"

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