Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election: Victory is DEFEAT!

Perhaps you're one of the millions of Americans who are celebrating ObamaRham-a's ascendancy to the throne in the WH - made possible by those Israeli and Israeli/American Zionists? Well, not so fast with your 'irrational exuberance', buddy! Remember, if the Zionists are involved (like AIPAC, for example), it's time to look at ulterior motives. It's clear that ObamaRham-a auditioned for the WH job in Israel and before AIPAC - and they apparently 'bought' his oath of fealty - BUT, what exactly have ObamaRham-a and the Democratic party 'bought into' with their landslide 'victory'?

Maybe it's not clear to you yet, but it will become clear before very long, that ObamaRham-a and the Democratic party have inherited the biggest disaster ('Economic Armageddon' and the Grand Depression) which America and the world have ever confronted. ObamaRham-a and the Democratic party have been thrust into a 'MISSION IMPOSSIBLE' - and guess who's gonna get the blame for the soon-to-flow rivers of blood and tears of millions of distraught Americans? Meanwhile, the Republican Zionists (Hanky-Panky Paulson & Co) clean got away with robbery of American taxpayers of the present and future generations (if any) in broad daylight (the Bailout Bill), just before the barndoor was closed (the Election). Was this a set-up by the Zionist slimeballs to lure ObamaRham-a and the Democrats into a deadly trap? You betcha! Just in case you have some lingering doubts, consider the Republican 'certain death ticket' of McCain & Palin. Now you know why Palin was McCain's unbelievably 'bad' choice - guaranteed to lose them the Election. Is the lightbulb burning brightly yet? If not, think about it some more - and WATCH what happens as ObamaRahm-a begins to stuff his Administration with Zionists. Do you suppose that he'll demand another full, impartial and public investigation of 9/11 to finally expose those Israeli and Israeli/American Zionist slimeballs to the light? Don't hold your breath!

The more things change
the more they remain the same!

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