Monday, February 23, 2009

Black Monday

Well, folks, this is it - the handwriting has been on this Blog and on my website for years! Now, the handwriting is also appearing on the websites of those Zionist Super Shills, 'Knish-Mish' Mike Shedlock and Karl Denniger's 'Market Ticker'. They both have excellent articles today - especially about Tim Geithner's 'Black Hole' brain ('Knish-Mish').

Obviously, those Zionist Super Shills are still in DENIAL about the real cause of 'Financial Armageddon', now widely accepted as INEVITABLE.

Here's the bottom line (literally) from KD's article today:

"We're doing it to ourselves, and the guilty parties are found within the boundaries of Washington DC."

NO, Karl, the guilty parties are found within the boundaries of the Zionist State of ISRAEL - and those boundaries include Zionist America! THEY LIVE - and THEY are doing it to US(A).

Mazel Tov, America!

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