The "god of this world" or "the prince of this world" is Satan, or Lucifer (also known as the "Great Deceiver"). The light of Lucifer is the false light, which renders humanity blind. Jesus the Christ said: "I AM the Light of men". So the obvious conclusion is: Obama has been handed (through the influence of Zionists - AIPAC and Israel's agents in America), the most powerful position in the world - of which Satan is the god! So the light that surrounds Obama is the light of Darkness. It fits, doesn't it - in more ways than one! Have Americans been 'set up' once again in the recent Election, by Zionists - like Rahm Emanuel and others? You betcha! I'm afraid that if Bush was the frying pan, Obama is the fire!
Caveat Emptor!
godsend, check out this link:
Those youtube videos of Ron Paul and Colin Powell fit in very nicely with what you have been talking about. It seems that late January (directly after the inauguration) could be the time when we experience a "currency crises". Although we both know this crises will be a fabrication and is of the Zionists' purposeful design.
They need to crater the currency in order to further the Grand Depression and pave the way for a new currency and ultimately the one world government control under Satan.
BTW, what do you say to those that maintain that the Protocols of Zion are a hoax and fabrication and that the Russians made the whole thing up based on a work of fiction?
Thanks for the link. I think that hyperinflation (collapse of the US$) will FOLLOW the Grand Depression and will not arrive for about 2+ more years. What will happen next is the economy coming to a grinding halt (Deflation) - with collapse of MANY companies, with states and municipalities going bankrupt and dramatic unemployment (upwards of 25%) and further escalating debt - national, state, municipalities and personal. Expect the creation of Public Works jobs, similar to the Great Depression. All these events were set in motion by Greenspan & Bernanke flooding the economy with easy credit and deadly low interest rates ('Death by 1000 Cuts'), causing a series of titanic bubbles (which are successively bursting).
The seeds for all of this were sown and exposed in the 'Protocols'. If the 'Protocols' were not written by Zionists (the learned Elders of Zion) then someone else wrote that recipe for humanity's disaster. Does it matter? What matters is that the 'Protocols' have been executed in minute detail until we arrived at the present point in time. All the dots consist of Zionists or their stooges and their deliberate actions (including 9/11), dating back to the mid-19th century. They were foreshadowed by the Rabbi of Constantinople in his instructions to the persecuted Jews of Spain - basically, infiltrate the non-Jewish society and work for its destruction from within. That's where the concept of crypto-Jews (Zionists) started. The system of Christianity today is a particularly striking example of deception and infiltration by Zionists. Millions of so-called 'Christians' have been deceived to support the Satanic state of Israel (the "Synagogue of Satan"). They 'forgot' that both Zionism and Judaism are the mortal enemies of Jesus the Christ and both deny His Deity and His Sonship of Yahweh!
That is the "deception of even the elect" spoken of in Holy Scripture.
By the way, the Bailout Bill and the stimulus packages (the 2nd now proposed by ObamaRahm-a) are simply pouring gasoline on the fire of the economy (and then society) going up in flames!
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