Where else can you SEE! similar structures that look like the above (Temple) Orifice with Pillars (Teeth)? - IF you can SEE! YUP! - you can SEE! (or just see) them ALL OVER THE WORLD, including many from ANTIQUITY with many broken teeth. The ALIEN RACE, which lives in another Dimension (like Lucifer), has been around for a VERY LONG TIME, feeding on the Negative Spiritual Energy (generated by Violence, War, Torture, Death, Suffering, Rebellion against Yahweh {God}, Worship of Idols, Dabbling in the OcCULT, etc.) of Humanity. STUDY this Blog CAREFULLY and TOTALLY, and you may finally SEE! things which you have NEVER SEE!n before. You may have Dreamed about THEM, however. Those Dreams (NIGHTMARES) will soon come ALIVE!
Remember, Satan (Lucifer) is also known as the
Devil, Mammon, Dragon (Reptile), 'Great Deceiver' and
"god of this world"
Devil, Mammon, Dragon (Reptile), 'Great Deceiver' and
"god of this world"
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